Recently, scientists successfully to the strength of the laser focus to one billion times the sun light is strong, and realize its precision with high energy electron collisions, verify the electrodynamics nearly a century has never been verified the key theory: high order multiphoton Thomson scattering theory.The result will open the experiment door to the theoretical system of quantum electrodynamics theory.In the experiment, the high energy intensity of directional gamma ray can be used to generate high-energy highlighted light source.The process is also expected to produce a second magnitude of gamma-ray bursts in the laboratory, which will open up new areas of research, such as the a-second scale nuclear physics, laboratory high-energy astrophysics, and so on.
The experiment was carried out on the laser device of Extreme Light Labortaory, Diocles laser, at the university of nebraska-lincoln in the United States.The laser device is currently the world's most advanced super one of ultrafast laser device, design the pulse width for 27 femtosecond (equivalent to one over ten of the speed of light through the diameter of a human hair), peak power reached a beat tile (a beat tile 1 trillion kilowatts.
Vehicle-mounted multi-photon Thomson scattering gamma ray light source is expected to be used in the customs inspection environment.The scientists successfully captured the internal structure of the wi-fi receiver using the gamma rays produced by the interaction of super-powerful lasers and electrons.
The usual x-rays do not penetrate the metal for such a clear, high-resolution image.
As a comparison, China's average monthly energy consumption in 2016 is about 400 billion KWH.
The whole physical process of multi-photon Thomson scattering is also of high basic scientific research value.Because of this physical process, multiple photons are involved in an interaction event, which presents a completely different calibration rule with the single photon Thomson scattering.
In the future, the researchers said, the laser will be further upgraded and more in-depth study of the multi-photon scattering theory will be carried out, and a preliminary study of quantum electrodynamics will be carried out.In addition, the quality of gamma ray illuminant will be optimized to realize its wide application value as soon as possible.